After the first Japanese festival, the event volunteers decided to have another festival in 2007. They started organizing the event about 6 months before the event, just like the first one.
The event preparation went smoother than the previous year, and the volunteers added more cultural performances. Unfortunately, it rained on the event day so there were less people than Festival 2004, but there were still over 500 people came to the event. The Bonsai-booth was one of the new attractions and many people came to the booth to see the bonsai trees, provided by Makoto Fukui. The origami booth attracted many children and they tried to make cranes, planes and other things with the event volunteers.
The stage performaces were done by the same martial artists. The student performers added "Soran-bushi" and Japanese folk music on that year. At the end of the stage performance, the volunteers got up on the stage and sang a song called "Ue wo muite Arukou (Look up as I walk), this song is known as "Sukiyaki" in North America.