The students and volunteers created a lot of hand-made items. Paper lanterns, Japanese-style lamps, Displays and other ornaments were mostly hand made. Each student brought used papers, boxes and all the recycling items and reused them to make new items that they needed for the event.
With the fund that they earnd from the student union and the International Department, they purchased only what they needed.
Besides the martial arts demonstrations by the local groups, the students were also involved in the stage performances.
In 2004 and 2005, the students performed Japanese traditional dances, and folk music. There weren't many students who knew about the traditional arts, so they studied and practiced the those dances and music.
The instruments that they used for the Japanese folk music, Shamisen(3-stringed Japanese instrument) was hand made by the students. The uniforms and hats that they used for the dances were also mady by the students. Those performers spent hours to make those items that they needed for their performances, and to practice.
To make the event successful, the volunteers put a lot of effort on promoting the events.
The students made event posters every year, and put them up all over on Vancouver Island. They also worked with the local TV companies and promoted the events on TV. The project team members visited the local schools to promote. They also made a website for the event.
The local media and organizations were very supportive for the event organizers. The event promotion was very successful every year, that resulted in getting many people at the festivals.